Markdown cheat sheet

What is markdown?

For formatting text in a plain-text editor, Markdown is a simple markup language.

1) Headings

Use the (#) sign in front of the word or phrase to add headings, and there are six levels to choose from for different heading sizes.

# Heading - 1
## Heading - 2
### Heading - 3 
#### Heading - 4
##### Heading - 5
###### Heading - 6



2) Bold Text

There are two different ways to write bold text: use two asterisks (**) or two underscores (__) before and after the word or phrase.

**Bold text**

__Bold text__


bold text.PNG

3) Italic Text

There are two different ways to write Italic text: use one asterisk (*) or one underscore (_) before and after the word or phrase.

*Italic text*

_Italic text_


Italic text.PNG

4) Paragraphs

There is no specific syntax for paragraphs, just write the plain text that's it.

There is no specific syntax for Paragraphs, just write the plain text that's it.

Output: Paragraph.PNG

4) Lists

There are two types of lists ordered lists and unordered lists.

a) ordered list

To create ordered lists write the numbers followed by a full stop after that word or phrase.

1. list - 1
2. list - 2
3. list - 3
4. list - 4
    1. list - 1
    2. list - 2
    3. list - 3
    4. list - 4


ordered list.PNG

NOTE: We can have a sub-list by giving indentation.

b) unordered lists

To create unordered list use symbols before the word (-) dash or Asterisk(*) or plus sign(+)

- list - 1
- list - 2
* list - 3
* list - 4
+ list - 5
+ list - 6
    - list - 1
    - list - 2
    - list - 3
    - list - 4


unorderd list.PNG

5) Code

To write code use three backticks (```) before and after the code.

for(var i=1;i<11;i++){
     for(var j=1;j<11;j++){


code.PNG Also, we can write code and keywords in between paragraphs by adding single backticks (`) before and after the code as shown in the below example

Keyword `for` is used for the for loop.



6) Image

To use the images in the markdown file use ![](), in brackets [] write the name of the image, and in parentheses () to give the image source link.

![image name](image link)



To write links in the markdown file use [](), in brackets, write the name of the link, and in parentheses () write the source link.




8) Blockquotes

To create blockquotes use this symbol (>) before the paragraph

> 1st rule of programming: If it works, don't touch it.

